SMAANZ 2022 Best Conference Paper Award Winner

The SMAANZ Best Conference Paper Award is open to any applicant who has submitted an abstract for the SMAANZ Conference and who intends to register and present at the SMAANZ Conference. The purpose of the Award is to support three of the purposes of SMAANZ:

  1. encourage scholarly inquiry in sport management;
  2. provide a forum to present and communicate results of sport management-related research; and,
  3. enhance the application of management theory to the sports context.

We are excited to announce our SMAANZ Best Conference Paper Award 2022 winner as "The 'F' Word and Sport for Development and Peace, Dr. Kat Raw &Dr. Per Svensson". The research aims to explore the notion of failure in sport for development and peace across a variety of organisational and geographical contexts. We look forward to seeing Kat & Per present their research on Thursday 1 December, 11:00 am at SMAANZ 2022 in Melbourne.